Receiver licence fees look increasingly likely to be scrapped in Poland at the beginning of next year.
Wirtualne Media reports that a new media law directly affecting public broadcasting in the country will have it second reading in parliament (Sejm) this week, with the three parties, including the ruling Civic Platform (PO), that have put forward the legislation now working out the finer details.
The key part of the law envisages receiver licence fees being replaced by a scheme in which TVP and its radio counterpart would be guaranteed no less no less PLN800 million (€180 million), the value of receiver licence fees in 2007, a year.
However, the PSL and SLD would like this figure raised to 1% of GDP, equivalent to around PLN1.2 billion.
The scheme, which would work on a programming licensing basis, would still need to receive the approval of the EU.
Also contained in the proposed legislation are changes to the structure of the National Broadcasting Council (KRRiT) and regional public broadcasting in Poland.