Several thematic channels continue to gain audience share at the expense of the leading TV services in Poland.
According to data produced by TNS OBOP for Wirtualne Media, the public broadcaster’s two main channels TVP1 and TVP still accounted for the most viewers in the 4+ age-group in April, though their shares were lower than in the corresponding month in 2008 (21.98% v 23.30% for TVP1; 15.45% v 17.35% for TVP2).
Third placed Polsat (15.07% v 17.05%) and fourth TVN (14.63% v 15.37%) were also down on April 2008.
However, TVN24, the most popular thematic channel, saw an increase (2.95% v 2.85%), while Disney Channel, the second most watched, saw its share almost double (0.94% v 0.56%).
Jetix, in third place, was also a strong performer (0.94% v 0.56%), while Hallmark’s share more than doubled (0.49% v 0.23%).