SES Astra has significantly increased its reach in Ukraine.
Quoting data from its annual Satellite Monitor, the company says that it now broadcasts to 7.6 million of the country’s 17.8 million homes.
The biggest contributor to the increase is digital satellite, with SES Astra gaining an additional 1.8 million households to reach 2.2 million in 2008.
The total number of digital satellite homes in Ukraine then stood at 2.3 million.
SES Astra also reached 5.4 million cable and 10 million terrestrial households in Ukraine in 2008, respective rises (+6%) and falls (-18%) on the previous year.
SES Astraoperates in Ukraine through its affiliate SES Sirius, located at 5 degrees East.
Astra 1C, once moved to 31.5 degrees East in May, will also offer improved coverage of Ukraine.