The total UK online video viewing audience grew 10% during the past year to 29.6 million unique viewers age 15 and older, according to the latest research from comScore.
The combined Google sites once again ranked as the top online video property in the UK, with 23.7 million viewers (up 14% on the previous year), driven by the popularity of, which accounted for 99% of all videos viewed on the property.
BBC Sites ranked second with 6.8 million viewers, followed by Microsoft Sites (4.3 million viewers), (3.6 million viewers), and Yahoo! Sites (3 million viewers).
A total of 4 billion videos were viewed online in the U.K. in January 2009, of which 99.5 million (2.5%) were watched on the Web sites of the top 5 television broadcasters: the BBC, ITV, Channel 4, Channel 5, and Sky.
The majority of these videos were viewed on BBC sites, which captured a 54.7% market share among the Big 5 with 54,455,000 videos viewed; followed by Channel 4 (23.8% share with 23,724,000 videos viewed), ITV Sites (13.6% share with 13,527,000), Sky Sites (6.8% share with 6,764,000) and (1.1% share with 1,078,000).