TV2, one of Hungary’s two leading commercial broadcasters, is bearing up well to the global financial crisis.
Quoted in BBJ, its CEO Zolán Várdy said that the service had revenues of HUF26.5 billion (€87.8 million) in 2008, or 1.3% more than the previous year.
This made TV2 one of the most profitable channels in the ProSiebenSat.1 group.
In annual results published by the latter earlier this month, TV2’s audience share for 2008 was given as 21.6%, as opposed to 23.6% a year earlier.
Although they referred to TV2’s “good stand-alone performance in an increasing fragmented market” in a year during which it “underwent extensive restructuring”, ProSiebenSat.1 MD Patrick Tillieux has said he expects the market to contract in 2009.