UPC Austria has announced it will now roll out very high speed internet services using Docsis 3.0 technology, offering bandwidths up to 100 Mbps under the UPC Fiber Power brand. They will first be introduced in Vienna, followed later by the rest of the UPC network.
The operator said it ended 2008 with 750,000 customers, including 10,000 receiving HD services, 554,000 TV, 431,000 internet and 217,000 telephony.
No break down of analogue and digital homes was given, and the number of HD customers seems to have come to a standstill, as the operator already reported 10,000 HD homes in November. (See Broadband TV News passim)
Last year, the cable operator added the Telesystem Tirol and 15 smaller networks in Upper Austria to its footprint. UPC Austria CEO Thomas Hintze said the firm had laid off 100 of its 1,200 employees as it had announced it would do last year.
He attributed the lay-offs to strong competition on price.