IBC 2008 – AMSTERDAM. Pace is to demonstrate the first set-top box capable of receiving DVB-T2 content. The prototype, due to be on show at IBC 2008 in Amsterdam this week, consists of the world’s first DVB-T2 front-end (the silicon tuner TDA18211 and a prototype of the forthcoming demodulator TDA10055) from NXP Semiconductors and a Pace high definition terrestrial set-top box.
It will receive a live MPEG-4 HD stream from an Enensys DVB-T2 Modulator based at the DVB (Digital Video Broadcasting) stand at the show.
DVB-T2 is said to offer spectrum efficiencies of between 30% and 50% over DVB-T.
The standard was confirmed in June, and as previously reported in Broadband TV News, is currently on test from transmitters in Guildford.