The Italian market for DTT receivers remains buoyant with 310,000 sets sold during the month of May, bringing the total of DTT sets in homes to 8.624 million, according to figures published by the DTT association DGTVi (RAI, Medium Mediaset, Telecom Italia, Dfree, FRT and Aeranti-Coral). Over three quarters of all DTT receivers sold are integrated digital TV sets (IDTVs).
On average, about 5% of the Italian population now watches DTT with Sardinia taking the lead as the first region to have an all digital offer. The next region scheduled for digital switchover is Val d’ Aosta.
The DGTVi claims success of the DTT service is partly due to the new programming offer, which includes the new RAI 4 channel, available only on DTT, and the new pay-TV offer from Mediaset, which includes Disney Channel.