Former YooMedia chief executive Neil MacDonald has stepped down from his role as COO of Mirada, the company formed from the merger of the troubled interactive media company and the Spanish outfit FreshIT.
MacDonald’s operational duties have been handed to Aldo Campinos, who recently joined the company from NDS. Underlining the Latin influence former Jazztel executive Antonio Rodríguez has been appointed to head up Mirada Media.
In the six months to December 2007, Mirada’s revenues fell to £23.3 million (€29.61m) compared to £31.4 million a year earlier. The company says this reflects the move towards becoming a third party brand owner rather than operating own brand services. The company slumped to a £1.59 million loss compared to £1.35 million profit in the second half of 2006.
Following the merger, Mirada’s accounting date has been moved to March 31 and accounts for the 15-month period are now due to be published in July. A £12.8 million fund raising and the disposal of its dating business has now left the company debt free.
On a more positive note subsidiary DITG has had its contract to operate the NHS Direct interactive service extended by six months.