Kabel Deutschland has grown its internet and phone subscriptions by a staggering 126% in 2007 to over 605,000. Germany’s largest cable operator announced that digital TV, internet and telephony services now represented a share of customer subscriptions of over 20%. EBITDA rose by 10% on the year to stand at €115 million.
The total number of customer subscriptions, the so-called revenue generating units climbed to 10,532,000 at December 31, 2007, compared to 10,458,000 a year earlier. This suggests the success of the new internet and phone services are masking the seepage of some 400,000 RGUs elsewhere (The total number of subscribers fell from 9,465,000 to 9,023,500 over the year.)
Average revenue per subscriber rose by 15% from €8.39 to €9.62 demonstrating the increasing importance of premium services to KDG revenues.
The total number of digital subscriptions rose year on year from 929,000 to 1.6 million including 763,000 premium subscriptions as at December 31, 2007.