Opera Software has announced that Sony Electronics has selected the Opera browser for Sony’s new Bravia Internet Video Link, a module that attaches to the back of new Bravia televisions to access select free Internet video content. Opera will be used as the browser technology of the system and enable browsing of the available Internet video content that can be streamed directly to the television from providers such as Yahoo!, AOL and Crackle.
The Internet Video Link is available for a majority of Sony’s 2007 Bravia televisions in the US. The module links the television set directly through HDMI and USB connections and connects to broadband Internet service providers via an Ethernet connection. The content can then be accessed directly on the TV without use of a personal computer. The module uses the Opera 9 SDK for Devices to bring video from the Web to the TV screen.
“Sony has realized the potential of Internet video on the TV, and Opera is excited to contribute to this breakthrough product,” said Scott Hedrick, Senior Vice President for business solutions at Opera Software, in a prepared statement. He added: “Using our SDK, Sony was able to quickly build this compelling solution to bring Internet content into the living room.”