IBC 2007 (Stand 5.235)
Latens will be launching a new IPTV Service Delivery Platform, which integrates Latens’ best-of-breed CA security with a new IPTV management system. The platform has been launched to fulfil a number of pressing IPTV customer needs, in particular the middleware scalability and flexibility issues that many successful IPTV operators are running into as they increase in size. Latens’ service delivery platform is the only platform that is commercially deployable and which combines pay-TV strength CA with a fully featured IPTV management system; delivering a system that scales elegantly from 100,000 subscribers to IPTV operations with millions of STBs. The platform integrates established, standards-based STB client, middleware and browser technology to provide a high-performance and open IPTV service delivery platform which is primarily aimed at larger IPTV operators.
Latens on stand demonstrations will include its IPCAS and FCAS CA solutions, which offer IPTV operators a choice of CA, depending upon their size and security requirements. Latens will also be demonstrating it’s BCAS CA system, which uniquely protects networks without an always return path, such as DTT and Satellite, without the disadvantages introduced by traditional smartcard or embedded chip CA solutions.
Also at IBC, the company will be demonstrating how Latens CAS can protect efficiently hybrid networks as well as protecting digital cable networks. There’s an on-stand demo based upon Latens’ deployment at Multimedia Polska (MMP), where Latens CA secure a hybrid digital cable / IPTV operation from a unified head-end. This is an important deployment, with Latens CAS set to protect over 500,000 subscribers as MMP rolls-out digital cable and IPTV infrastructure more widely. This innovative deployment is the first time that software CA has been used to protect a DVB-C system and also the first time it’s been deployed to protect a hybrid IPTV/DVB-C system from a unified head-end.