Virgin Media managed to grow its TV net additions by 2,200 in the second quarter despite the continuing absence of Sky branded channels from its basic packages. However, the unavailability of Sky One, Sky News and Sky Sports News is thought to be the main reason for an overall net loss of 70,300 customers. The total number of digital subscribers now stands at 3,125.3 million
Virgin, which yesterday delayed plans to auction the company, posted its eight consecutive loss of £119m (€177.02m) compared to £195.8m one year earlier.
The V+ digital video recorder is now available in 167,000 from 53,000 in the first quarter while a rise of 51,000 to 3.5 million maintains Virgin’s position as the largest residential broadband provider. 44% of the cablenet’s digital TV subscribers now use VOD on a monthly basis, at 14 VOD monthly views per user, though there was no indication as to whether these were free or pay services.
The number of RGUs (Revenue Generating Units – the count of individual services taken by subscribers) rose for the sixth consecutive quarter.