The Czech incumbent telco Telefonica O2 saw its IPTV operation O2 TV more than double its subscriber number from 16,000 to 38,000 in the first half of the year. It also ended the period with 526,000 ADSL access points, or 56.000 more than six months earlier. Telefonica O2’s revenues from broadband services (ADSL. IPTV and content) meanwhile came to CZK1.8 billion (€64 million) in H1 2007, or 42.3% more than in the corresponding period in 2006. Retail broadband accounted for CZK1.6 billion (+48.6% year-on-year) of the total and wholesale services the remaining CZK200,000 (+7.4%). Telefonica O2 expects the introduction of bundled packages combining various permutations of fixed line, mobile, Internet and IPTV services in H1 2007 will prove a strong driver for growth in H2 2007. It also says its IPTV service will continue to be rolled out during the period.