Analysts are painting a gloomy picture of the performance of the incumbent Polish telco Telekomunikacja Polska (TP). Although its Q2 results are not out until the end of the month, they predict in the local press that its revenues in the quarter will amount to PLN4.508billion (€1.198 billion), or almost 3% less than in the corresponding period in 2006. Its operating and net profit in Q2 are meanwhile expected to be PLN819 million and PLN548 million respectively. TPSA is facing growing competition in the provision of broadband services. Although it had around 1.89 million broadband Internet subscribers at the end of June, it was also providing services via competitors to a further 89,000 through Bitstream access (BSA), The latter figure is expected to grow to 200,000 by the end of the year, with a further 500,000 TP customers receiving Internet access directly from rival providers.