Sogecable’s DTH platform Digital+ ended Q2 2007 with 2,056,000 subscribers, or 66,000 more than 12 months earlier. However, due to what the company describes as seasonal factors, the figure was 9,000 lower than that at end of Q1 2007. The churn rate for the platform continues to fall – 11.2% in Q2 2007, as opposed to 12% a year earlier – while average monthly revenue per subscriber rose by 7.7% year-on-year to €42.4. Sogecable’s FTA channel Cuatro continues to perform well, ending Q2 with an average audience share in June of 8.1%. Overall, the company’s EBIT derived from pay-TV activities in Q2 2007 amounted to €56.7 million, or 54% more than in the corresponding period in 2006.