As the Swedish head to their summer homes, three out of five will be taking a computer with them or already have one installed in their holiday residence, this is 60% more than have a television set. And on a rainy summer day, Swedish holidaymakers prefer to surf the internet, rather than watch television.
The startling findings come from the Summer Trends survey of 1,700 Swedes by the telco TeliaSonera. It indicates that while the Swedish may still be getting away from it all they are bringing with them the trappings of modern life including the mobile phone, TV and television with them. For Swedes having a computer in the summer house is the most important device (66%) and 27% take a digital TV receiver into the countryside.
When it rains the more traditional pastime of reading a book (52%) is the most popular way to pass the time away, followed by surfing the internet (38%) and watching television (23%). Cooking or baking comes in at 14%.