With 11 new transmitters to go on the air the French DTT service is set to reach 70% of the population by the end of July. In June the following transmitters will come on the air: in the Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur region: Menton ; in Lorraine: Bar-le-Duc, Epinal, Vittel; in Rhône-Alpes: Chambéry, Montmélian; in Champagne-Ardenne: Troye; and in Bourgogne: Auxerre.
In July three more regions will be reached in Bourgogne covering the areas of Dijon, Sens and Mâcon. The new transmitters will reach a total of more than two million French.
In October seven areas in the Northeastern part of the country will also be covered. These include the region of Alsace (Mulhouse, Strasbourg) and Lorraine (Forbach, Metz, Nancy, Sarrebourg, Verdun). By year end between 80 and 85% of the French should be served by DTT.