The latest EMS Survey of pan-European media has placed EuroNews as the most watched international news channel. The international broadcaster has a weekly reach of 18% among ‘affluent decision makers and opinion leaders’. This translates to 7.1 million viewers. However, the combination of 2005 and 2006 surveys ‘EMS 2007’ puts CNN International ahead on a weekly reach of 18.4%. On this measure EuroNews is just behind on 17.9% with Sky News on 15% and BBC World on 11.6%. The trends are broadly the same between both the most recent fieldwork and the monthly viewership.
Despite the ability of more than one channel to be able to declare itself ahead of the pack, the EMS Survey remains the best indicator of how the channels are performing in the marketplace, among the high-end audiences that their advertisers seek.
Among the general interest channels, the multi-language Eurosport is ahead with a weekly reach of 31.8%. MTV, with its mix of network and regional programming, is on 27.8% and Discovery Channel on 18.3%.
Analysis in New Television Insider (Premium Subscribers Only)