ANGA CABLE – Cologne. Cisco has announced that Danish utility company Bredbaand Nord has launched a 46 channel TV service over a 100 Mbps FTTH network supplied by the vendor. In a seperate announcement HP said that, together with Cisco, it has built a similar fibre-to-the-home network for MidtVest Bredbaand (MVB), that will also offer a 46 channel video and triple-play broadband service to its 200,000 subscribers.
The two networks in the Midwestern and Northern parts of Jutland (the Danish mainland), employ Cisco point-to-point Ethernet fiber-to-the-home (E-FTTH) technology with Cisco Catalyst 4500 Series Switches in the access layer and Cisco 7600 Series Routers in the aggregation and core network, delivering bandwidth of up to 100 megabits per second.
HP implemented its operations support systems (OSS), management software, trained the staff at MVB, and will provide ongoing mission-critical support services for network operation. Scientific Atlanta’s SciCare EMEA Professional Services provided the systems integration services at Bredbaand Nord.
The new video service will provide viewers with 46 analogue channels, initially delivered to Bredbaand Nord through an IP link. The new Scientific Atlanta headend will convert the IP programming to analog format for transmission to customers over the utility’s fiber network. MVB has instead opted to carry the channels in digital format, over an IP-link to its subscribers.