SES Astra has won Premiere as the first client for its entavio pay-TV platform. In the process the two companies have avoided the possibilities of multiple receivers as German satellite subscribers grapple with multiple technical systems.
The result is that entavio will manage Premiere’s DTH subscriptions and at the same time offer other broadcasters access to the 2.5 million Premiere and Premiere-enabled satellite receivers in the German market. entavio will pick up its responsibilities on September 1.
German broadcaster RTL and MTV have already agreed to use the platform.
SES Astra president and CEO Ferdinand Kayser was at pains to stress the openness of the platform that previously came in for heavy criticism within the German media. “entavio positions itself as an open and neutral technical satellite platform, which gives satellite households access to a whole range of digital TV programmes and services, and offers programme operators access to those households.”
In addition to the management and distribution of the content it is hoped that entavio will reignite interest in interactive services.