Britain’s premium rate services regulator ICSTIS has published a new set of rules designed to boost public confidence in TV quiz services. The rules, which will come into force in four weeks time, are designed to give viewers a better understanding of their chances of getting through to the programmes and give them clear information about the cost of their calls.
Quiz shows, backed by premium rate telephone lines, have become a significant source of revenue for broadcasters as they look to compensate for falling advertising revenues.
The new rules are part of a revised Statement of Expectations for Call TV Quiz Services issued by the regulator following concerns raised by MPs on the Culture, Media and Sport Select Committee in January.
Broadcasters will be required to display the number of entries received in the previous 15 minutes, updated at 15 minute intervals. Pricing information must also be given by a presenter or voice over every ten minutes. Call cost warnings must all be given to callers spending more than £10 in a calendar day.