Aggregator and Mercury Media announced the launch of documentary webTV service “to provide independent films for independent people” under the “joining the dots” (JTD) brand name. The new service can be accessed by anyone with a broadband connection at The user can pay for the content either on a pay-as-you-go basis or via a subscription.
In a statement JTD said “[it] addresses a global audience which has lost faith in traditional broadcast television and mass media. It provides a wide range of factual programming, addressing a broad spread of today’s hot issues from the environment to Iraq, through drugs and the death penalty, to personal issues like infertility and debt.”
Tim Sparke,’s Managing Director, said: “We are delivering something new for people who seek the truth about today’s important issues, a space where subscriber interaction, broadband connectivity and DVD quality documentary converge to create a new hybrid media. We have first rate documentaries including exclusives from Roco, Verve, Minotaur, John McClean, TVF, Hopscotch, and Wisywyg.”
Unfortunately Aggregator is not able to handle several browsers including Safari and Firefox and neither have Apple Mac users access to the service. Since this story was published David Bramley from Platform PR let us know that Aggregator is working on extending support for its portals. First will be Firefox, then Safari (i.e. Mac OSX). Aggregator expects support for Firefox within 1-2 months from now. In the meantime, those customers who currently try to access the site from these browsers/operating systems will be taken to a registration page where, if they leave their details, they will be notified as soon as support is available.