3GSM WORLD CONGRESS – BARCELONA. 13% of the German population is interested in mobile TV, according to research on behalf of the ARD/ZDF-Medienkommission carried out in November, 2006. But they don’t necessarely want to watch it on their mobile phone: especially younger respondents said they also like this feature in their MP3 player or iPod. Other ways to watch mobile TV are handheld receivers and laptops.
The research shows people are interested in watching mobile TV when they are on long trips and while they are waiting for at the docter’s or barber’s.
Content-wise most people expect news, traffic reports, music clips and sports. Younger viewers (14-29 years old) are more interested in TV series, comedy, sports and music. People aged 30 and over prefer current affairs and background information about politics and economics as well as service information. The service should also be free: 87% of all respondents said they want the ARD and ZDF channels to be available at no charge.
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