Cable Europe has added a number of new speakers to its line up for the annual Cable Congress. Joining the get-together of European cable television executives are Vincent Dureau, OpenTV’s former director of technology, and now head of TV technology at Google. Dureau will deliver the keynote Cable meets the Web: Future of Televison.
Paul Bosco, Vice President, Cable and Video Initiatives, Cisco joins the CTO panel on Day 2. While Tilman Lüder, Head of Unit, Copyright and Related Rights, European Commission and Ad van Loon, Manager Legal and
Regulatory Affairs, VECAI have been added to the regulatory session on Day 2.
Jeremy Olivier, Head of Convergent Media, Ofcom and Michael Bartholomew, Director, ETNO are coming together for the regulatory session on Day 2.
Finally, Kevin Baughan, Head of Technical Strategy, ntl:Telewest has joined the EuroCableLabs workshop on Day 3.
The Cable Congress takes place at the Hotel Okura, Amsterdam between February 6 and 8.
Details can be found on the Cable Europe website
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